Pretty Amusing...
I have several comments, most of them regarding filesize:
I watched all of this series and these can take a little while to load, even for my DSL. I would look into compressing them a little more (Check out for a good vid codec) or taking shortcuts where ever you can. You may already be doing this, but I'd suggest using still images when you're not moving and video when you are, you know, conserve that filespace.
Since you've got to keep the video clips short, and this is definitely a stick death movie, you might as well kick the action into high gear as soon as the movie begins. More action within a small amount of time.
I'm not a big fan of stick death movies just b/c usually it means I'm about to see some lazy work from some 12 year old who doesn't know shit about Flash. However, I really like what you've done incorporating the live action into the whole thing. You don't see a whole lot of that here on NG. There's so much opportunity for creativity's pretty cool. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to the next episode!